Tuesday, October 23, 2007

greetings from the Lou Diamond Phillips fan club

I am very anti-commercial. Commercials interrupt whatever I’m watching, they are usually annoying and stupid, and they usually put some irritating jingle in your head that you can’t shake. (I’m thinking of specifically of an old Meijer theme for A million reason, a single store.) Be that as it may, I do say I enjoy the new ATT/Cingular campaign where the actor sits in front of a constantly changing stage and at the end states that he needs a network to work in some outlandish place like Philondelware or some such thing. I actually look forward to some new place just to hear the jumble come out of their mouths. It’s really too bad that you can’t use proper names in Scrabble, because this campaign would create quite the argument. Yes, that will be the triple word score, and a bonus for using all of my tiles for New Amstockahoma. Sweet.

Continuing with annoying things, I would just like to say that Lou Diamond Phillips is in East Lansing at this moment. Shooting Young Guns 3, you say? Oh no. He is King Arthur in Camelot. Oh right. When I think of the mythical might ruler of the Britons, I think of a Latino has been actor. Has Phillips been in anything good? Besides Young Guns, I saw him in a funny episode of Psych, but other than that, any movie with him on the cover, I stay away from.

So House is several episodes in and I’m not sure how this is going to play out. The preview for last week’s episode was totally misleading, which is Fox’s prerogative. It seems as if the applicants, which are down to six, are not very detail oriented. Regardless, I like the spoofs of the reality shows (Survivor and Bachelor that I can tell so far), which makes a completely ridiculous situation even more so. Next week Foreman is back in the mix, which should make things interesting.


Dan said...

ok.. so i'm thinking section one was tom, two was brandon, and three had to be austin.... so far, this has been less venomous than i anticipated...

Dan said...

ok... maybe i was wrong -- it seems these are all austin... i was thrown off by the fact that he enjoyed the at&t concept of mixing city names together, as they make me, when i hear them, want to break something in my vicinity in half.... so... yeah... i was wrong... sorry....

Ryan said...

That's only because you are such a loyal Verizon employee Dan, not all of us are so inclined. But yes I also hate the 'Lanrapidsoit' ad campaign.


Dan said...

Please... don't insult me... I am loyal to verizon, but i hate their ads too :)