Friday, November 2, 2007

Black and White and Read All Over...

I have never paid much attention to news or to politics, I'm trying to do better but I still don't know half the political names that get thrown around. I know Obama is half black, Romney is Mormon, Clinton used to be a woman, but Bloomberg? Huckabee? Kucinich? Not a clue.

And as for the rest of the news, well, it's just depressing. I find myself reading and the Pecular Postings of because it makes me giggle and doesn't make me feel like humanity is not worth saving.

However, the older I get, more I feel as if I have the right to air my opinion about every news article whether it be political, criminal, educational, entertaining or whatnot. I didn't used to think my opinion was so very very important but since I don't hear anybody else saying what I'm thinking, I guess I have to speak for myself. So without further ado:
If you've seen the commercials you don't really know what it is (this could be said about 89% of all advertising in America). The commercial is a bunch of kids talking about how politicians should be more honest and should be held accountable to what they promise. I agree whole heartedly and even like their little half donkey half elephant mascot. However, if you actually go to the website its the AARP!!!! What the crap! The fact that the American Association of Retired Persons uses children in their marketing automatically makes me suspicious of their motives.

The basic platform is health care and social security, ok, kids need health care I understand that, but social security? Don't for one second try to make me believe that social security is something more than a specifically "retired persons" interest. By the time the kids in the commercial need it, it's most likely going to be gone. Other than saying it should be "strengthened" for the future (which doesn't really mean anything) they just want to make sure all those baby boomers get their own. Sure, they paid into it, but probably not as much as they plan on taking out, and definatly not as much as I'm paying into it.
Anyway, enough of social security...

Don't Tase Me, Bro!
Puh-Lease! Yeah, he's breakin' his silence. He plans on writing a freakin' book! I've also included the original clip of the "incident" where he flips out but doesn't exactly know why they "tazed" him. This is the type of democrat that should make all other democrats cringe. Personally, I think the tazer was the best invention since the toilet! Of course, now there is all this discussion about whether or not the tazer is somehow interfering with our constitutional rights. I think if an officer of the law asks you to do something and you don't do it, then getting tazed is a lot better than getting shot, and a heck of a lot easier for the officers than trying to argue with idiots like this.

In Case You Need a Reason to Hate the Government.
I don't think there's anything I can say about this article (from that any reasonable person wouldn't already be thinking...whoever wrote their orders is an evil evil person.
The 2,600 members of the Minnesota National Guard returned recently from extended duty in Iraq, which was reportedly the longest consecutive deployment of any outfit (22 months, counting extensions). However, the Guardsmen still do not qualify for government education benefits. The law allows the benefits only for those on "active duty" at least 730 days, but the Minnesota Guard's orders (as well as some other outfits' orders), were specifically written for "729 days." [KARE-TV (Minneapolis), 10-18-07]

Someday I'm going to write a newspaper with nothing but good news.

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