Tuesday, November 27, 2007

my bi-monthly constitutional

This weekend I saw two elderly gentlemen out for a morning jog. I can only hope that when I’m older I have a) the energy and b) the ability to go out for a run. The energy comes and goes even now. Physically, my back and knees are already going so who knows. But tonight I went out and enjoyed a stroll in the crisp autumn air, which was ruined from time to time by unleashed dogs. Now I understand that by their nature dogs like to roam free, but do you, and by you, I mean dog owners, think you might leash them when you take them for a walk? First dog runs at me and does the whole jumping at me. Rule #1, don’t touch me. The next dog tried to hump my leg. I’ve never experienced that and don’t want to start now. Again, see rule #1. Then this dog comes flying off the porch and starts sniffing me. Leave me alone.

Now understand, I have a very harsh, anti-pet stance. Didn’t have pets growing up, don’t want them now. Larry will probably want to have pets. Simple responses: go get a job at the pet store, which is down the street; go to the zoo, which is within walking distance; and when you’re out of the house, you can do whatever you want. But back to my point, when pets and pet owners encroach on my personal space and time, I get a little perturbed.

In keeping with the pet theme, am I the only who thinks that the Michael Vick thing has been overblown? This guy is going to jail and has lost his livelihood because of dogs. Is it really that big of a deal? Sports radio was filled with rants and accusations and a lot of what seemed like PETA talking points, all fired squarely at Vick and his inhumane hobby.

Jim Rome coming to the fore for dog rights? Are you kidding me? These are dogs. It’s their property. Do what you want. Vick is done with major professional football, (he’ll probably play CFL or Arena League), because he didn’t treat his dog like Lassie. So what? Jason Williams probably killed someone. Ray Lewis may have killed someone. They’re not in jail. And these were human beings. Other athletes are out there raping and driving drunk and having a bijillion kids with a bijillion moms and they keep on going. Yeah, maybe a little suspended sentence or some community service or outrageous child support checks, but they’re still in the game. Vick tortures dogs and he’s done. As in stick a fork in him. Yeah an NFL team will probably throw him a bone, but the big time is over.

And for what? Help me see where the crime is.


mindbender said...

I think I'm having deja vu. But I know I'll be one of the few...

Commish said...

I, too, am almost certain that I have read this post somewhere else. Perhaps Austin's personal blog? Make mental note to check. Quickly forget mental note.

I think the behavior towards dogs is a problem because it is representative of Vick's human nature. If a kid really gets joy from burning ants with a magnifying glass, I'm not throwing the kid in jail, but I am concerned. Why would this child delight so much in inflicting pain on another living organism? Similarly, what kind of person can deliberately mistreat, mangle and murder a living, breathing animal that is entirely dependent on said person for quality of life?

I believe that Jason Williams' incident was an accident, even if his attempts to dodge the law have been deplorable. Similarly, Ray Lewis' alleged crime was one born of the moment, not pre-meditated and coldly executed. Vick's behavior is a window into his soul, and even though I'm not as fundamentally pro-animal rights as the society that put him behind bars, I still find the view through that window frightening.

BigD said...

Wow. There's so much wrong with this that I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I just won't.

Bristol Crowne said...

I can't think of animals as property like a car or a chair is property. As a christian, I see animal ownership as being a "steward" of that animal. A chair will not suffer if you neglect or abuse it, animals can become a danger to themselves, their owners, and society if they are neglected and abused.
But here's the thing, no one says you have to have an animal, you can give it away if you can no longer afford to feed or care for it, society is ok with that. So why is it that so many people have animals simply to ignore and abuse them?