Saturday, November 8, 2008

Okay, so I'm a Wii-nie

My wife and I managed to get our hands on a Wii Fit this week, which I'm pretty excited about.  I'd been trying to pick one up from Best Buy or Gamestop, but they have been consistently selling out the same day the arrive.  I tried Amazon instead...they have been out of stock there as well, but they offer a service where you can get a text message when they arrive.  Sure enough, on Thursday I got a text, rushed to the website...and nothing.  Still out of stock.  Refresh.  Nothing.  Refresh.  Nothing.  Confused cursing.  Refresh.  Bingo! 

We got it the following day (yesterday), and I've now "played" with it twice, so here's the review:

First thing up, you get weighed in, which I was actually pleasantly surprised to find that I've lost about 10-15 pounds since starting my daily-ish walking routine.  It also calculates your BMI, gives you a balance test, and then assigns you a Wii Fit Age...mine was 41.  I am 29.  Not cool, you guys. 

Then you're in and you can chooose between four categories:  yoga, strength training, aerobics, and balance games.  Each category starts with a handful of activities you can choose from, with many more that need to be unlocked. In each activity you get rated in some way, most often for how well balanced you are.  It keeps track of your total amount of activity and you continue to unlock new activities or expanded versions of the activities, such as a longer track for running, more reps for the strength activities, etc. 

I'm excited for the opportunities the board provides--I'm a competitive person, and being able to be ranked and unlock activities is a good, compelling feature, and being weighed on a daily basis as part of the program I think will also help to keep me focused. 

The only downside that I can see is that at this point, at least, it doesn't seem that you can put together a workout with it, where you could string multiple activites back-to-back-to-back rather than having to every 2 minutes use the remote to pick the next's a little distracting. 

More on this later, I'm sure. 

1 comment:

Austin Long said...

41 huh?

and scoring based on balance? is that a fox news thing?