Tuesday, February 3, 2009


i missed the ending of the super bowl. in typical austin fashion, i turned it off after 3 quarters, assuming that the steelers were in control. imagine my suprise when the headlines screamed greatest fourth quarter ever. but it's how i roll. you can thank me for ensuring a great finish. once i hit the off switch, magic happens.
who cares about michael phelps? i don't. 8 gold medals. fine. he's not my role model so what do i care if he hits the bong? enough. listen to charles barkley on this one. atheletes are not role models. they are not even heroes.
i broke down and did the 25 things about me on facebook. i was suprised at how quickly they came out. i thought i would break down after 2.
that's all i've got for now.
sam did monday, i came through on tuesday. can danny, tom, crystal and jd make this a perfect week? stay tuned.

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