Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's Friday in Michigan!

I was figuratively surfing the internet and thinking about my dutiful friday blog when I realized that 10pm Thursday in California is actually 1pm Friday in Michigan. And taking into account that our blog reader demographics tilts liberally to the Michiganders I said "Hey, I'm blogging now so I don't have to think about it tomorrow, because tomorrow is now! Rock on California!"

There are several things over the past week that have made us stop and say "Rock on California!".

So here's to you California! I appreciate your affordable produce! Avocados for 5o cents!? Tomatos for 38 cents a pound! Limes, Cilantro, Peppers! I'm makin myself some salsa!

I love waking up at 7 in the morning and feeling like I got to sleep in! I love your clean, ready, and respectable public transportation.

And thanks for making me laugh California! Bulk organic honey that's still in the hive?! Oh, silly silly California, that's good times.

Ah, but there are certain aspects of living I have come to expect from Michigan, and I'm sorry to say, "You suck California!"

Why can't you make butter the same shape and size as basically every other state of the union! Why is your butter so short and squat and doesn't fit into my universally excepted butter dish? Who told you it was acceptable to change it? Aren't you ashamed of your disfigured and smallish butter? You suck California!

And where did all the pop go? What is this Soda? Why don't you have any decent diet choices? And why does it cost so much! And how come I'm expected to recycle it without any sort of remuneration? You suck California!

And why are your local business commercials just as bad, if not worse, than the ones in Michigan! Come one! You're the TV capitol of the world and this is the best you can do? They're not even entertaining in their badness, at least in Michigan we have Terry Hanks to give us a chuckle. You suck California!

And considering this is one of the largest states of the union, why is it that there is nary a sidewalk in sight? Why is all of the space that should be designated for front yards and sidewalks taken up by graveled parking spaces? Don't you know what a driveway is? I thought we liked non-vehicular transportation! Now my dog has to walk in your pathetic version of grass! You suck California!

And speaking of grass, why do I have to pull burs out of my dogs coat after every walk? Are we not civilized enough here to use grass seed and a little fertilizer? A little weed killer too much to ask? I despise your arid soil and your scrubby lawns! You suck California!

So yeah, I think that went really well. I'm definatly giving myself a 3 hour buffer zone on either side of my designated blog day. You rock California!


Commish said...

Take one of my best friends, move her 2500 miles away from me, and you can't even give her a decent sidewalk to stroll on?? Did you know there is a law in your state that it is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale?

You suck California!

mindbender said...

Does kicking a pine cone while riding a bike count?