Thursday, May 29, 2008

Making some cuts?

It's been a really long day, probably one of the most exasperating work days I've experienced in a long time. But apparently our "fresh legs" on our blog only lasted one week, because Austin is the only one who's posted since Crystal last Friday. So I've gotta put something up here!

In an effort to "unwind" tonight, besides watching the Spurs come apart again and allow the Lakers to cruise into the NBA Finals (fingers crossed for tomorrow night that the NBA won't get their dream matchup!), I wound up watching "Pleasantville" on the USA Network. It's cleaned up a little, obviously, but I think I only really ever watched it through once, when it came out on DVD. And now, watching it again, I can't help but find it really thought-provoking. I'm only about 3/4 through it, but I'm wondering exactly what the evolving "colored" items are supposed to represent. I remember thinking the first time through that it represented Sin, or at least creatures who recognized that they could sin. But watching it again, it seems a little less black-and-white than that (no pun intended!). Now I'm thinking that it represents self-awareness, or at least a personal acknowledgment of their own freedom to make choices, any choices. What do you all think? Or better yet, what was it intended to be by the movie's creators? I could look it up, but I'd rather just hear from other people.

I was also looking at the upcoming fall TV schedule this year, and I discovered that in JUST continuing to watch the shows that I've enjoyed recently, I would be committed to 9.5 hours of television a week with the current schedule. That's out of control, not to mention the fact that it doesn't even allow for any possible new additions to my viewing habits. Here are the ones that I am currently planning on watching. What should I cut?

Boston Legal
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Eli Stone
Pushing Daisies
Friday Night Lights
30 Rock
Desperate Housewives


mindbender said...

I say cut:

1. Friday Night Lights (not really my bag)
2. Desperate Housewives (you can always watch this on dvd like you did the other series)

Some of the others aren't really my thing either, but you didn't say how much to cut.

mindbender said...

Seasons, not series.

And honestly, how irritating is this verification thing you have to type every time you post a comment.

shannoncaroland said...

Really, is there one show there you would really hate yourself for missing?

As for me, the only one I'll likely watch with any regularity is "Heroes". 30 rock, Chuck, Boston Legal and Pushing Daisies do not not require watching every episode. You might do better to cut shows that you have catch every episode.

Commish said...

I actually had DVR'd all of the Desperate Housewives this season and wound up eventually just deleting them because I still haven't watched Season Three.

It's one of those shows where I'm not that enthusiastic about watching it until I actually start another season and then I rip through it pretty fast. A month after I'm finished, I forget again how much I liked it.

I think that if you login to Blogger with your Google ID, there's no more ID'ing. Austin and I are going to discuss using Wordpress in the future. Negotiations are underway.