Well, as many of you (Tom and Brandon) know... march madness is nigh upon us... so, in celebration, we here at the cultural taproom (proud bastion of all that is worthy of attention in this great country (earth (re: aleks)) of ours) have decided to honor the great sport of baseball with an entire week's worth of posts on this great american pasttime....
in honor of the upcoming season, i have actually entered into a bracket pool... now i know what you're thinking... "but dan, you're totally out of touch when it comes to this sport.... what with the strike and the death of sparky anderson!" ... well, you couldn't be more wrong! I am only mostly out of touch, insofar as i really don't know how any of the teams have been doing over the last decade and a half... but i watch my Tiges! I've kept a close eye on those guys and rode the rollercoaster all the way down to the bottom, which made the ride back up to the top all the more thrilling!
Talk about a cinderella story!... (seriously, you go ahead... i don't feel like talking about it myself just now...)
anyway, so i'm entering this bracket pool, cause, heck, it's only 5 bucks, and it should help me get more into the performance of the other teams this year as they run as many guys around that diamond as possible and work their ways to the coveted stanley cup!
plus, a bunch of friends at work are going to be in on it, so it should be pretty fun! but, obviously, i'm gonna have to rely pretty heavily on friends like tom when i fill out my sheet... cause when it comes to other teams, you know, i am pretty out of the loop... but i'm counting on our guys to make things really interesting out in D-Town again!
anyway, so, i'm kinda excited about the whole thing, cause i've never really tried to do the whole bracket thing, what with having to take a stab at how the ENTIRE season is going to pan out and all... i mean, how anybody expects to accurately predict the outcomes of 162 games i'll never.... hang on... phone call coming in....
"hello?.... yeah, i'm writing my piece right now.... wha... huh?... WHAT?!! College BASKETBALL?!? WELL WHO GIVES A --
Appreciate the reference. As well as the frivolous use of word "great"...
I know some Lithuanians (here's an atlas, look it up!) tried to create Little Leagues. All laid in the hands of expat Americans. Once they left, the Little Leagues were no more.
Lithuanians though know more about basketball than that American past-time. The European bronze medalists, they won fourth spot in the last Olympics tournament those many years ago. And they're most likely to be confused with Latvians.
But undoubtedly, the great past-time in the great country of yours (picture me bowing down in respect so low I couldn't stand back up) be it basketball or baseball is just, er, great. And no doubt this post will become an instant classic...
Latvians or in the case of Dr. Doom, Latvarians.
Dr.Doom was definitely a Latvian. Where else could a country be conquered so easily?
We're more like Pinky and the Brain, really. Starting a day with a plan to conquer the world for the last 100 years. There's a Facebook group encouraging Latvia to conquer Mongolia. If two countries no one has ever heard of fight with each, who cares?
Dude, Latvia could so totally take Mongolia. And I heard Mongolia said bad things about Latvia's mom. Showdown! Three o'clock, behind the swing set.
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