Is it just me or have most comedies lost their edge? Every joke is pretty much the same as what you've seen in other movies.
For example, the new Will Farrell movie, Semi-Pro features Will Farrell acting as a loud, outrageous, chauvinistic, alcoholic raging athlete that makes no sense to the rest of his sport. Weird, considering that Blades of Glory and Taladega Nights are essentially the same movie, featuring the same character of Frank the Tank from Old School as the main character.
I am tired of it. Will Farrell has made me laugh in every movie he has ever made, and three years ago I would have been excited to see Semi-Pro, but not after those other three movies where he played essentially the same character.
I need some real comedy. Like, Steve Martin in the 80's. He hasn't done anything noteworthy or funny since Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
I don't recall a real comedian in the 90's. You could say that Jim Carrey was that guy but he didn't do anything really edgy. The bigger story in 90's comedy was what the Farrelly Brothers were doing, which was bigger than Jim Carrey. Mike Meyers was funny, but the Austin Powers sequels were just money-grabs, not really funny ones either.
The funniest things on film that I've seen in the last five years were the South Park Movie and the Simpsons movie, and those were just film adaptations of the t.v. show, (not exactly groundbreaking).
Up until today, I was beginning to lose my faith in comedy films. That is when I read that Ben Stiller made a hollywood parody film, spoofing American action films with Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr.
The story is that Ben Stiller's character is a Hollywood actor who is on location making a film in Southeast Asia. Jack Black looks hilarious with bleached hair and red sunglasses as a fat, out of shape actor who is in the action film business and Robert Downey Jr. plays a Jewish actor who gets into character by playing a black character in the movie and tries to buddy up with crew members by quoting lines from the theme song of the Jeffersons.
That is funny. That is almost crazy. It is so close to going over the line without actually going over the line. I miss that. Comedians need to take more chances like that in order to advance their art.
While I agree that Steve Martins best years were in the 80's, I hereby recount the worthwhile (and funny) movies he has done since P.T.a.A:
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)
L.A. Story (1991)
Leap of Faith (1992)
A Simple Twist of Fate (1994)
Bowfinger (1999)
Granted though, there's been a lot of crap mixed in between these.
You might even be able to throw in Sgt. Bilko (1996), maybe.
Plus he was great in Grand Canyon.
I miss Richard Pryor.
Oh, and by the way, am I the only one totally creeped out by that picture of Robert Downey Jr? I mean, I saw it yesterday on a movie news site hours before you posted on it, and it still weirds me out. I look at it, and I can tell it's him (the eyes), and yet I look again, and I just can't believe it. Kudos to the makeup dept on that one.
Bowfinger? Seriously? You've got to be kidding...
Aleks, yes, totally Bowfinger.
Ben, I said the 80s. So I give you Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Steve Martin was funny twice in that movie.
LA Story was weird funny but not cutting edge funny.It was mildly entertaining at best.
Leap of Faith is prime example of Steve Martin's Unfunniest work. Twist of Fate are you kidding? Retarded. Bowfinger... dude you really need to get out some. Sgt Bilko. He may as well have been making Earnest movies for the quality of those films. There isn't a more embarrassing movie for steve martin except maybe the Pink Panther.
Grand Canyon, not funny.
Do I have to mention Parenthood and the Father of the Bride franchise? Or that horrible movie he did with queen latifah? Horrible.
Would you guys mind posting some comments on Tom's blog. He was a little upset with me for posting late. I feel kinda bad for him.
I just wrote a long comment that got deleted, so here are the highlights:
- LA Story = great, even though not cutting edge
- Something doesn't have to be cutting edge to be worth while
- We'll have to agree to disagree on most of the rest
- I've given up defending my preferences/dislikes to other people
- I'll give you Sgt Bilko
A Simple Twist Of Fate is AWESOME!
You suck Brandon!
I liked L.A. Story. It was cute. But not gut-busting comedy. Nobody cares about that movie. If you ever came up with a list of the top 100 comedies ever made, nobody in the field would give that movie serious consideration. He has lost his edge. He is not alone in that. Think Eddie Murphy. Think Jim Carrey and Mike Meyers. Something happens when you make 5-10 picture deals that you have to release in a certain time-frame. When your motivation to be creative is only contractual it has an effect on your edge.
I'm with Ben in my great appreciation of Sgt Bilko, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and especially LA Law.
I don't need your charity for comments, Brandon. I'm happy to chip in on a genuinely conversation-provoking thread such as this. However, it would be nice if, at least once during your tenure here, you actually posted on the day you were asked to utilize.
i had a dream with richard pryor in it last night... his part was brief... he was on a unicorn and jumped from one tower of the world trade center into nothingness, then the second tower reappeared to catch him... he threw up his arms and yelled "I AM A MAGIC SUPERMAN!!!!!"
.. hmmm... wonder what that means.....
i didn't know Steve Martin was in LA Law... how did i miss this?
also, Brandon, you gotta be more like me... if you miss it, you miss it... in my opinion, it's disrespectful to post on someone else's day, which is why i don't do it... and only once in a while do you get the chance to manipulate a situation to your benefit, like when you posted on my day, so i acted like we had a prearranged deal... although... hmm, tom is pretty nice about you just posting late, as opposed to how it's much like i've murdered someone when i don't post at all.... i shall have to think on this... hmmm..... hmmmmmmmm.....
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