Thursday, December 6, 2007

Short and Sweet

I've had a couple of busy days and was not able to post on my "assigned" day of Wednesday. I've often wondered, and may have even posted this on a former blog I kept, but have you ever wondered why insane people only do bad things? I can recall hundreds of reports on TV about people who do horrendous acts claiming insanity, and sometimes found not guilty.

Why don’t we see a headline that reads, "Man goes insane and in a fit of calmness bakes thirteen dozen cookies for the local food bank." Or, "Woman insane, just snaps, and puts all clothes away instead of leaving them on the bed!"

It is only the bad that ignites the insanity defense.


BigD said...

That's because it's a defense. Defense implies that one is defending inappropriate or bad behavior. There is no need to defend good behavior such as baking cookies for the local food bank, hence there would be no need for an "insanity defense" for having done so.

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.

Bristol Crowne said...

Go Joe!