Sunday, December 2, 2007

Technology on Tap - TV Shows On Demand

Alright, so 'streaming' has been around for a long time. Internet radio has been the bane of businesses for 10 years. 100 people listening to 100 different radio stations tends to saturate the very expensive Internet connection that said business is ponying up for.

Since I work in technology, it's my job to make sure that you (the rogue Internet radio listener) are blocked at every twist and turn in the dark back alleys of the Internet where you find unsanctioned radio streams that do everything in their power to get around guys like me.

Thus I was reluctant to try out 'TV on demand' as it is a similar technology. That and I'm generally slow on the uptake for new tech because, even though I'm a tech guy, it is not something that I breathe in and out. It's a job and like anything else that you do for 8 hours a day for 5 days a week, it gets old. Don't worry I still like to talk about it so don't think that you can't ask me to fix your scrap heap of a computer (Tom) when it decides that it's had enough and finally chokes on the dust you've been feeding it for 5 years under the desk.

With that rambling tangent out of the way (you do ramble on Blogs right? I'm new at this). I've been watching the show 'Chuck' on NBC's website. It's nice. Full screen doesn't work so hot, neither does 'large' so I leave it alone as is. They have four episodes back which is a bit annoying since their is no way in Sheol that I'm buying a box set. I like that you can watch anytime, don't like that you have to watch THE SAME commercial about 6 times throughout the show. It's 30 seconds but come on. How many times can I watch some guy (who by the looks of things does not need the product their hocking) run UNDER water through a pond bursting fourth on the opposite side because, since he took Excedrin, 'nothing can stop him?' Does Excedrin have both lead (to weight you down) and oxygen (to keep you breathing) so you can run with fish? Perhaps swimming is not tough enough looking.

Now that I've successfully completed my second tangent, I'll comment on the show 'Chuck.' It's supposed to be a geek show that geeks can identify with. Being a geek myself I'll give it a C+ to B- for geek accuracy. For the record the vast majority of geeks do not know Klingon or speak regularly about the work of J.R.R Tolkien. Perhaps I am not as hard-core geek as I ought to be -- I'll work on that. After all art imitates life, right?

The show's plot is catchy, and the 'Buy More' is great. Overall the show doesn't try to take itself too seriously and pulls the geekiness off pretty well. I laugh multiple times during the show which is usually a good sign. It helps having the guy who played Jane on Firefly along for the ride.

So despite my reservations I've really enjoyed the on-demand internet TV shows and might even try some other ones. Suggestions?


Sam said...

I too have been watching "Chuck" from the beginning, but using the DVR. I would recommend "Life". It is also an NBC show and I am pretty sure it also has streaming episodes. Not as geeky but interesting and humorous at the same time.

mindbender said...

Chuck rocks man! So does Journeyman!

Commish said...

Or also try:

That's actually not a real site, I just thought it would be funny. I DVR Chuck every week, so I'm glad they figured out a way to include delayed tapings into the ratings.