I recently downloaded this application called Metacafe. It (seemingly) randomly locates games and videos from around the world wide web and presents them to you for your perusal. The games are like flash games like a snowball fight or punch a monkey or something. The video section is okay so far. The random thing I mentioned a moment ago has offered me such treats as a slide show of pictures of some couple's adorable new kitten, a video of these guys driving like lunatics on public streets, classic scenes like foot to nuts, instructional videos describing how one would basically steal flash videos/games from the internet, and the one I'm about to tell you about.
This appeared to be an anti-internet porn video. It came from a website called http://www.goodmagazine.com/ whose whole reason for existing, according to them, is "...to add value. Through a print magazine, feature and documentary films, original multimedia content and local events, GOOD is providing a platform for the ideas, people, and businesses that are driving change in the world." Oh, and they also do this because they "give a damn."
Now, you noticed I said that it "appeared" to be an anti-porn video.... well, just watch.... the ending kind of blows the credibility of the message for the rest of the video. Love the music, though....
(DISCLAIMER: this video is a little bit sexual, so you may not want to watch it, but it is youtube appropriate, so if that's good enough for you, then carry on)
So i guess my questions are:
Is that educational or is it also basically just porn?
Was that an effective way to express the gravity of the porn situation in the U.S.?
Where can I download that song?
And are they making a mockery of what they seemed to be saying throughout most of the video by also advertising for a porn site? (I assumed at first that the girl in the video was NOT a pornstar until the end.... or was that a joke too? (ok.... nevermind, checked the address and it exists... do yourself a favor and don't bother investigating that....))
Anyway... I thought it was a pretty clever way to get a point across, but now I feel a bit disillusioned. What could their motivation have been?
Oh, sure. You were just "investigating." A likely story!
Yeah, I'm afraid I have to fall in under the "completely hypocrytical" camp.
This can't even be categorized on the level of the cigarette companies that "donate" millions of dollars to anti-smoking campaigns (they are forced to under the terms of lawsuits they have lost). Because you know the model in that "anti-porn" bit has already doubled her website traffic due to her participation.
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