Tuesday, January 15, 2008

see this blog? learn it. know it. live it.

Basically besides working, I’ve been doing two things—watching movies/TV shows and playing FIFA ’07.

Just before Christmas, I finished the final season of Sopranos. Gut wretching. It was hard to watch these characters lives unravel, but it makes sense. When people make poor decisions, that’s what happens. And Tony? Wow. All of his problems were self-created because of his poor leadership. In the end he is the head of a worthless, piece of crap “family”. John Gotti he is not. As for the final scene, what does it mean? Who knows? That was fine. Fine as long as there is no reunion show/movie/mini-series. Do you hear me?

Finished second season of the 4400. Very interesting. The season finale was a total mind job. They can go in so many directions. What I like about this show is that each episode is relatively self contained. A 4400 develops a power which causes success/disaster/ripple and by the end there is resolution. That’s what drove me nuts about BSG. It would start a thread and just drop it. Annoying for those who like closure. One minor complaint about the show it is very Ameri-centric. It would be interesting to see how the 4400 affect Europe, Asia, S. America and Africa. But what are you going to do?

This weekend I went in the way back machine and watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High and This is Spinal Tap. Fast Times is 25 years old and yet people are dealing with the same issues today. Amazing. As for Spinal Tap, never has pathetic been so funny. And yet all of these real bands from the ‘80’s are living the movie. 40 to 50 year old plus has beens playing anywhere that will have them. Life imitating art? My two favorites quotes:
“I’m working on something between Mozart and Bach. I call it Mach.”
“St. Hubbins, patron saint of quality footwear.”

As for FIFA, currently I’m the manager for Juventus. I brought them up from the Serie B and am now trying to compete in Serie A. The game combines the somewhat realistic play of the previous versions with the addicting aspects of Championship Manager. A beautiful fusion. I’ve made it up to World Class and hope to win the Champions League within a couple of season with the biaconeri. We shall see.


Commish said...

And it only gets better with "Studio 60" tonight, baby!

Just finished the last (seventh) season of West Wing. You're gonna love it, man... TRUST me.

The WGA strike shows no signs of stopping. Creating great opportunities for me to catch up on old shows.

mindbender said...

Hello Cleveland! HELLO CLEVELAND!!!!

BigD said...

Were you people weaned on television, or something?