Friday, January 18, 2008

These are a Few of My Favorite Things...

There are plenty of things about America I could do without, most of you know I am not shy to discuss what they are. So it may surprise some of you that I truly do think we live in one of the best countries in the world. And there are a couple things I definatly LOVE about living in America.
Such as:

-FOOD! America, being the bastard child of so many other countries, is blessed by diversity in the food we get to experience. Currently living in Delta Township I can tell you that if I want some chinese, mexican, fried chicken, fake tacos, sushi, a burger, pizza, ravioli, or a plethora of exotic drinks they are all within a 2-3 mile radius of my house! Considering that food is a major source of comfort and stress relief in my life, this is a huge plus!
Sure, there's plenty of people who come back from other countries and rave about the food. "You can't get food like that in America!". Yeah, I bet you can, you just haven't looked hard enough. If you seriously can't find it in America, then it probably sucks!

Not to mention the Meijer a half mile down the road that's open 24/7 for all those early morning cravings (or those early morning toilet paper runs).

-Technology. Of course, technology has lead to most of the global warming that we know of. We still love our cars. Americans also developed electric lighting, tv, ipods, laptops, and bascially all the good stuff. (no, we did not develope the Wii or most other really awesome video games, so we really need to work on that).

-Sanitation and hygiene. I'm putting these two together because one tends to affect the other. The better public sanitation we have, the less reason anyone has to walk around smelling like they haven't had a bath in the current month or like they just messed their pants, or to have nasty yellow teeth. Government makes sure we have clean water running to our house, and that garbage doesn't need to pile up in our front yard. Love it!

So those are my top three reasons for living in America. And as much as I want to be flexible for where ever Ben gets a job, I'm not willing to transfer to most countries (excluding: England, Ireland, Scotland, and Australia). There are a lot of jobs doing things similar to what Ben what's to do in India (NO WAY JOSE!) I'm willing to visit a lot of places, and I know that if I was really pushed I could do without all the fast food etc. I did grow up in the country, alienated from most of civilization. I'd just rather never do that ever again if I don't have to


Dan said...

Yay to sanitation! down with staph infection!

BigD said...

First of all, how many early morning toilet paper runs do you normally make, that you rank that as one of the reasons you love America? What you need to do is buy a lot of it at once, and then, when you see you're on your last roll, you can actually go buy more at a reasonable hour. That's what I do, and it affords me the flexibility of living just about anywhere.

Second, I misread your "NO WAY JOSE" as "NO WAY SAN JOSE," which I thought was kind of uncalled for, as San Jose is actually a pretty cool city. It was also a little disappointing as it implied that you were ruling out a job for Ben in the Silicon Valley.

So just remember, stock up on the butt-tape, and San Jose is cool.

My work here is done.

Bristol Crowne said...

I hate to burst your bubble but Ben and I have basically totally ruled out living in California. We deem it "a nice place to visit but a little above and beyond our Cost of Living standards". We're pretty much willing to move anywhere BUT California. Sorry dude.

BigD said...

I can dig that. But if there's one thing I've learned in the past few months, it's never to rule anything out. Because you never know what the Lord has in store for you. ;)

Jillian said...

Well, if he wants to relocate here to Denver and knows PHP Ryan's company is hiring an entry level PHP programmer...

-Jillian Hadley

Bristol Crowne said...

I wish he could be a PHB programmer, I'm so sick of being awake while I'm raped.

(i know i know that was so wrong but I'm tired and it made me giggle)