Tuesday, March 11, 2008

rescue me from steve martin

I have a new goal: to write on entry that creates over 15 comments. Who knew that Steve Martin was a hot button issue? I certainly didn’t. I only knew he was still alive because of those Cheaper by the Dozen movies. I think he wrote a book or something too.

Anyway, what I can I say that will create a firestorm of snide comments and witty barbs?

I love Rescue Me. Yes, Tom, I have a man-crush on Denis Leary. How can you not? His character rescues strangers from burning building, he kicks ass at hockey and he gets the girl, crazy as they might be. Should I be searching for better role models? Yes, but he’s always been my first love. Remember No Cure for Cancer? And those MTV ads? And The Ref? Yes, he was in a movie with Sandra Bullock, UGH!!, and he was in Operation Dumbo Drop, a movie with such a stupid title that I would not even think of seeing it. But we all make mistakes. I wish I could be that big of a smokin, drinkin, swearin asshole.

Anyway, I just finished season 3. Yes there is an insane amount of drama, but the dialogue and stories and development is mesmerizing. It’s hard to turn away. Just ask my wife. She watched the entire season in one night. I don’t recommend that, especially with this show, but it is what it is.

Moving on . . . started The West Wing last night. The show makes a statement in the first episode: the show is not about the President. The pilot jumps right into the frenzy of the characters lives and pushes on, with Martin Sheen not even showing up to the last scene. There are so many characters and stories and threads thrown at you, but strap in and use diagrams if necessary to figure it out.

Another example of my technology inferiority hit me in the mouth. I got windows explorer 7.0 so I can now use tabs instead of having 17 windows open. I am such a retard. I want to do RSS and embed youtube videos in my posts but seriously I don’t think that I’m that smart. In fact, I know I’m not that smart. I shudder to think what Larry will be capable of in the next couple of years.


mindbender said...

IE7? Go Firefox my man, and embrace an online experience enhanced by Extensions, virtually eliminating ads of all kinds (via the Adblock extension). Viva la firefox-ion!!

mindbender said...

Plus, Firefox has built in support for RSS feeds, making it easier than ever. Tom, Ryan, and I all do it.

Sam said...

Austin - DO NOT GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE. I know that Tom, Ryan, and Ben seem to know computers, but don't let your decision remain with that. Stick with what you know - Microsoft. I think their faithfulness to you over the years is enough to allow you to overlook the slow page load up, the near absent security, and the lameness factor. If you start using Firefox you are just as trendy as the Mac vs. PC commercials. And we all know that you don't do things just because they are cool. So ignore what Ben has to say and stay away from Firefox - the "better" browser.

Sam said...

On another note (and in an effort to increase your number of comments as directed), you failed to mention another craptastic Leary movie - "The Thomas Crowne Affair." Though the movie stunk, the final scene at the museum with all the guys in bowler hats walking around with the song "Sinnerman" by Nina Simone playing in the background was great.

Dan said...

firefox... ugh... i'm with sam, even though i'm not sure if he's actually trying to talk you into firefox or not -- i'm pretty computer savvy, and i've had people try to push firefox on me for years!.. the big thing being the tabs... well, i hate tabs... the hot keys to switch tabs are a pain in the tuchas... that's been the big deal.. wow... tabs!... hooray.. well, now ie has it... also, i don't even know what the heck ben is talking about in the rest of his most recent of sales pitches, so it hardly makes me jump at yet another opportunity... i was talked into firefox at one point, used it for a while, trying to see what the point was, and i hated it... also, it wasn't any faster than ie for me... neither of them are technically complicated programs, and currently ie blocks all popups, has tabs (as you mentioned, and i still do not use) and i've had no issues when it comes to security... with any version... so, i'll go along and say it's a fad... so wear your casual clothes and hit up some firefox... but give me some real info as to what makes it soooooooo much better.... and don't say tabs... tabs suck... get a better computer.... can anyone move me?...

Dan said...

also, just wait until you see season 4... never has there been a show that has run me ragged on so many emotional levels before and had me loving every second... rescue me has pulled it off for 4 years... despite a few duds in his career, denis leary may be the man we should have been talking about for a guy who doesn't get worse with age -- in a lot of ways, he may be more raw than ever... love it!

mindbender said...

Dan, you let me set up Firefox for you, and you'll never turn back!

mindbender said...

Oh, and Dan, it's far from a fad, it's the first web browser in nearly 10 years to take significant market share from Microsoft. Viva la firefox-oin!!

Brandon Caroland said...

Plus Firefox seems to keep the bugs out a little better when I download... uh, cookies and stuff.

Commish said...

Built-in RSS Support is gold enough. But Dan, Austin... the word of the day is "plugins". There are so many useful and cool extensions for Firefox that we could line them all up, one after another, and they would circle the planet SIX TIMES!!!

mindbender said...

Again I say:

Viva la Firefox-ion!!

Bristol Crowne said...

I too would love to be cool enough to put videos and pictures in my blog. Instead, I have Ben...that will have to do.

Also, Steve Martin has written several books including Shop Girl (yes, the same as the movie) and his new autobiography "Born Standing Up". PLUS he plays the banjo!

If Dennis Leary played the banjo he would be god!

Bristol Crowne said...


Two If By Sea, by far the most retarded movie of Dennis Learys career and I haven't even seen all the Dennis Leary movies. I don't have to, it was that bad!


I use Firefox, but not because it's trendy. It's because my husband screws around with my computer until I have to ask him how to use the dang thing. To protest changes I usually call it Mozzerella FireHole.

Ryan said...

FireHole. Hilarious.

Jillian said...

Ryan seems to have discovered the secret to getting everyone to comment on his blogs...I think it requires being a huge geek, in fact, I think you need to be a geek to even read his blogs, but yea...


Jillian said...

Oh, and I agree, Firefox is much better!

Anonymous said...

No, the secret is to write a very controversial opinion on something digg users (geeks) love to scream about. Then submit it to digg and get 40,000 unique readers.

But anyway, forget rss support. That's what google reader is for. Firefox is better because of the many awesome extensions, it's rapid development, no active x controls (you know the things that infect your computer when you're downloading... cookies and stuff.), and it not being IE.

Also, running IE in Linux is just weird.

Aleks said...

Firefox, man.

And congrats on reaching your goal on comments.