Tuesday, August 26, 2008

music items, Paris Hilton, Rome and the Olympics

I’ll start off with a couple of music notes:

If you've never heard of the band SLOAN, here's the NPR review of their latest album:


Give them a listen and you won’t be disappointed.


Oasis, another favorite band of mine, has a new album coming out, but I’m wondering, is that a good thing? I love Oasis, don't get me wrong, but I don't want them to be my generation's rolling stones, putting out album after album, occasionally producing a song that's worth anything, slowly growing old and irrelevant. I think they should just fade into the background, and then in like 10 years, be used as reference point for the second British invasion. Let’s be fair, they had their time, and it was glorious, and now it’s over. Time to move on.

In case you didn’t hear Paris Hilton got a sex change. Trust me, I visit enough sites and receive enough information throughout the day to know whether that happened or not. So I don’t need an update in my junk mail folder from Mohammad Berry [enehpsog@31e.com]. Thanks, but no thanks.

I have the first season of Rome on hold of the library. I don’t much about the show (time period, actors, etc.), but I’ve heard that this is a pretty amazing show and I am interested to see how it is. So if there are any Rome fans out there, let me know what to expect.

Other than that, I will leave you with this gem from the Onion News Network in honor of the Olympics:


Sam said...

Another time period series that looks interesting is "Crusoe" on NBC. I caught previews during the Olympic coverage. Not sure if it will be good or not but I will probably give it a try.

Oh, and I haven't seen Rome but have heard good things.

Beki said...

My hubby, Mike, LOVED Rome and also got it from the library. I only watched out of the corner of my eye, but it was very well done, although a bit crude/sexually explicit. Apparently, that's the way things were, though.