Tuesday, August 12, 2008

movies, articles and my dream job

Let’s start with the two movies I watched over the weekend.

First was “Following”, which was Christopher Nolan’s earliest efforts. This was my first viewing of this in several years. I don’t remember liking it that much before and this time around, I thought, I like it but . . . The film is sort of a low rent Spanish Prisoner. Whereas the Spanish Prisoner totally does a bait and switch at the end, Following reveals the mystery throughout. In Spanish Prisoner, I cared for the main character, but in the Following I had a hard time caring for “The Young Man.” Possibly because he was a dead on representation of myself about 10 years ago, ie a poor, deadbeat, wannabe writer. So Following is good but the ending is only a mild surprise rather than the gut wrenching ending of Spanish Prisoner. See it as a platform for Memento.

Then I watched There Will Be Blood. I have to agree with Tom that I’m not sure what happened. Was I supposed to be rooting for or against the main character? I think the evolution of the character was there. Imagine Daniel Plainview skulking around the huge mansion with the bile building up inside of him. Then Eli shows up to provide him an outlet. Other than that, it was just a profile of an “American Hero”, you know part of the American mythos of someone who pulls themselves up by the bootstaps, works hard and with a little bit of luck and timing, hits it big.

I will say the music was really really annoying. Like West Wing annoying for those who can use it as a reference point. It overpowered some moments. I almost think the movie could have had no music, but there’s no way that was going to happen. The poor music was a huge surprise because Anderson’s previous movies use it so well. Maybe someone can speak to that aspect of the movie.

Was this THE movie of 2007? I sure hope not. It was ok but not 4 star, talk to everyone in the world about it. But what do I know?

I do know that you have to check out these articles.

Ohio inmate claims he's too fat for execution

The Life of the Top Guitar-Hero Player In The World

Only in America. Seriously, I’m not for the death penalty, but you killed someone in a state where that punishment is on the books. You should have thought about that ahead of time. And if it’s going to cause you more pain because you’re fat, then a) lose weight in preparation or b) deal with it. And you gotta give it up for someone who can get famous for playing a video game that simulates being a musician. Thousands and thousands of bands looking to be the next big thing, playing gigs at proms and weddings and dark, crappy bars while staying true to their vision of music, and this kid just plays a video game and passes them all. I suppose the next game should be Paint Hero, and we could create the next pseudo Van Gogh or Picasso. Imagine.

Finally, I have finally found my true vocation. No, it’s not the new coach of the LA Galaxy or quality control at Krispy Kreme, it’s being the official reader of the Digg.com RSS feed. If I could be paid just to see where all of those articles would take me, I could probably be somewhat happy. Crazy pics, hilarious articles, up to date tech news (that I don’t understand) and occasional true and relevant facts. How great would that be? I’m looking for an online application after work tonight.

Well the English Premier League starts this weekend, so get ready for another thrilling installment, where doing well in the “regular season” is actually rewarded.

1 comment:

Brandon Caroland said...

NO. It was not THE movie of 2007. No Country For Old Men was.