Friday, February 15, 2008

Best of the Web February 2008

Being a librarian I think I should be able to bring the fair readers of this blog a definitive "Best of the Web" every once in a while. I know how to find good information and good entertainment. However, being me, most of your are going to see my "Best of the Web" and a pile of creative if moronic YouTube videos.

Oh well, get over it.

It's coming soon and personally I'm surprised we haven't seen more commercials interrupting my favorite TV shows (Pushing Daiseys cough, cough). But if you're wondering who you should vote for and don't feeling like shoveling through the political nonsense they're trying to blind us with. I suggest you check out
Choose between Repbulican, Democratic, or Independent and take a detailed quiz on what you feel is important and it will tell you which politician lines up most with your beliefs. Pretty cool as long as you don't mind voting for some guy that doesn't stand a chance. Who knew Ru Paul was even running for President?

This video is both offensive and hilarious. More hilarious than offensive unless you're really really sensitive, and since the kid is obviously in on the joke, I don't feel too bad. So if you want a good chuckle for a couple of minutes, you'll stop by YouTube for a dose of The Retarded Policeman. There are six episodes with another clip with his response to criticism. So awesome, you know what else is awesome? Pushing Daiseys!

Fan Site takes you to the fan site for televisions best show since they canceled Arrested Development. I can't tell you about the show without making it a long story so bear with me...bare with me? Anywho, Ned is a mild mannered pie maker with a twist, he can bring things back to life with one touch, the next touch makes them dead again. This isn't a problem since he also works with a detective solving murder cases by basically asking who killed them and then making them dead again. This is a problem because he brought his childhood sweetheart back to life and now can never touch her or she'll die again. This story is full of quirky characters (picture Swoozy Kurtz with an eye patch and Kristen Chenoweth just being herself) and witty dialog and doesn't take place in any particular time but takes the best things from many times, classic cars, cool costumes. Leave reality at home and come to the Pie Hole for some comfort food and a feel good story. Aren't you sick of reality by now?
I can't find any really good clips on YouTube so here's the extended preview.


Commish said...

I tried taking the political quiz but I'm just too smart for my own good. I already know who I want to vote for, so I can't honestly answer a question like "Should your ideal candidate be under 65 years old?" without any prior bias.

And when they ask me "Should your candidate be a Mormon?"... um, hello? I think I have a pretty good idea who this question might be talking about. Maybe if they were slightly more subtle.

There is one thing we can agree on... Pushing Daisies!!

BigD said...

The one question burning in my caffeine addled mind is, if this guy's touch brings dead things back to life, what happens if he makes a meat pie?

Bristol Crowne said...

He doesn't, he's strictly a dessert kinda guy. However, should he make a meat pie he would need to touch it twice, once would bring it back to life the second would kill it again. He takes yucky old fruit, touches it to spruce it up, then makes the pie and never touches the fruit again, this also means he never eats his own pie.

BigD said...

What about mincemeat pie?

How sad would it be to never be able to eat your own pies? It would be like, well, it would be like never being able to touch your true love again!

Wow. That show has so many levels.