Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Xmas
Tomorrow is always a nice day, especially since my son is now old enough to understand what it all means, my ability to get a hold of a Santa Suit was a priceless bit of wealing and dealing.
So i will entertain the kids tomorrow for sure.
Following that its the big one..... Lakers v Boston, can Kobe, Bynum and Gasol stifle the former world champions or its it going to be another KG show. We will see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boxing Day brings the usual program of Premiership games which is always something to look forward to. I am going to go out on a limb and say Liverpool will again choke at home v Bolton, Chelsea will draw 1-1 v the Baggies and United will rape Stoke 5-0. Colorful huh.
Arsenal although i like them hugely are done for me, losing Fab for Four months isn't good at all and with the shocking sending off of MANU it looks like a very unhappy Xmas for the Wenger boys away to the inform VILLA.
All credit to Martin O'Neil and the boys from the Midlands, for me they will no finish 4Th or 3rd dependent on Liverpool's can we win the title or are we going to play Wimbledon style football and hoof it to Robbie Keane all season long attitude.
We will see.
Merry Christmas to you all and a wonderful New Year.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
holiday shopping, Mad Men and off to alabama
Also picked up a hardcover version of the Watchmen. Will be reading that at the first of the year in preparation for the release of the movie. I grabbed a Denis Leary DVD with No Cure for Cancer and Locked ‘n Loaded, (Insert mancrush comments here), as well as Lewis Black Live at Carnegie Hall. I’ve listened to first disc and it’s great.
Finally I got Arrested Development, Season 1 and Sin City. I heard a rumor that they are doing an Arrested Development movie. Is that true? As for Sin City, the greatest comic adaptation ever and a kick ass ride too.
I also found time to watch the first season of Mad Men. The show was recommended to me by Dave and I admit, after the first show, I was not that impressed. But after the first disc, I was completely hooked and finished the rest in record time.
Great writing and acting, amazing depth in the characters and conflicts. An insightful contrast into selling happiness but not experiencing happiness. Add to that hints of mystery around the main character and you’ve got an amazing show.
A couple of aspects that they overplay (?) is the smoking, drinking and treatment of women. Every moment of every shot is someone smoking a cigarette or drinking alcohol of some sort. Is that really how it was? And were women really eyed and touched and ordered around like that? WOW!!
So I plan to get the second season as soon as possible and see how the story moves forward. Check it out.
As for the holidays, I’m off to Alabama tomorrow for a couple of days. I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing. College football doesn’t look that exciting so I’ll probably skip that maintain a tough regimen of playing online poker, looking for music and watching the first season of Chuck. I can’t wait.
I leave you with this great moment from Attack of the Show:
Monday, December 22, 2008
Some Yuletide Joy
In regard to TV watching, I just finished up the first season of the Unit. It is really good. To be honest, at one time (in early middle school) I wanted to be a special operative. Then I realized that I don’t agree with killing people. So, military service is kind of out the question for me. Anyway, the worst part of the Unit is the whiney, stupid wives. Their storylines are contrived and seem just to be for filler than any real contribution to the overall picture. Season 2 is on tap with Season 3 waiting in the wings.
I have been watching a few sports lately and have been so frustrated by local coverage. It pisses me off. Last week in men’s college basketball Georgetown was playing someone (I forget but a top 10 team) and it went into overtime. Instead of staying with the game they went to the tip off of Kentucky v. Indiana. Now I know I am living in “Wildcat Country” but am I wrong in assuming that basketball fans supersede Wildcat fans? Couldn’t they just finish up the good game and then switch to two college basketball relics? And then, this week my CBS affiliate decided to show the NFL powerhouses of Cincinnati vs. Cleveland instead of those perennial losers Tennessee vs. Pittsburgh (sarcasm thoroughly employed in that last sentence). Apparently, deciding home field advantage is not as important as watching the crappy loser located near your city. It is not just because I have no care about either team. If the Lions or Colts (whom I follow) were involved in an unimportant game and there was another of greater overall significance, then I would say, “Broadcast the latter.”
Enough ranting. If these ramblings seem incoherent, I was up all last night at a lock in with my youth group. If things go well, that could have been my last one ever.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Oooh, me too, me too!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Holiday Observations
This morning I was fortunate to get out of my subdivision, of course none of the roads there had been plowed. This was at 1pm. I reveresed-overdrived my way down the street, getting stuck about 10 times and probably taking about 15 minutes to drive an eighth of a mile. Then I turned onto Willow, which was also largely untouched by the plows, and Elmwood, same story. You'd think at the very least I'd find smooth sailing when I hit Saginaw. But nope, pretty much all the way downtown it was just surfing through snowbanks that had been moved around all morning by passing trucks and buses.
Once I got here, I made my fatal mistake. Turning left onto Michigan from Capitol, I veered too far into what was the actual left turn lane, which contained about 15 inches of snow (again, no plowing on Capitol). Now I was STUCK. All four wheels were spinning with no ground to push against. I was like a turtle perched atop a mound of dirt, flailing my legs wildly but unable to gain any traction to move myself. I had to be pushed out by several kind passerbys.
The moral of the story is this: if you live in Michigan, sure, it is still un-green and energy-wasteful of you to own an SUV or F-150 just to drive around. But there are certain times of the year when it is also extremely practical and might even be worth the extra three or four thousand dollars (compounded annually).
** If you're like me, you appreciate a good "Carol of the Bells" as well as anybody, but the best iteration I've ever heard, and still look forward to listening to every year, is the acoustical composition that Steven Curtis Chapman put together on his "Music of Christmas" album back in 1995. Multiple guitars and strings, no lyrics, and just a really upbeat, awesome piece of music. Go find it on itunes.
** I took care of most of my Christmas responsibilities, but like everyone, there are a few names left to cross off on my shopping list. People that really wouldn't think twice about not receiving a gift from me, but who are so important to me that I really want to do something for them to show my appreciation. Which means a trip to the ^&$#@&! shopping mall this weekend, because I don't really have anything in particular in mind for them, and need browsing options.
I will inevitably wind up purchasing at least one item from the annual rip-off artists who run the kiosks down the middle of the great halls of the shopping mall, some piece of jewelry or all-in-1 video game or basket of cheeses from around the world. I will do this because I will be at a total loss at what to purchase for the last name or two on my list, because I will be lured by the bright lights and pretty product display, and because, hey, I know what they paid for those kiosks, and trust me, they need my business.

Today? Well, you could purchase it on DVD, set your DVR to record it when it airs and then watch it all year round, pick it up on ITunes, or just go the illegal route and download the torrent. Truly, today's options are more convenient and allow for Charlie Brown enjoyment at any time, but why am I still somewhat wistful for the limited options and snowy-grained network broadcast of yore? Is it just because I'd like to be that young again?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Movies, TV, Premiership & El Classico
- Batman "The Dark Knight"
- Wanted
- Quantum of Solace
- Cars (animated movie)
- Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
- Untraceable
- Vantage Point
- The Bank Job
- Street Kings
- 88 Minutes
- Hancock
- Star Wars (The clone wars)
My favorite movie of the year has to be Batman, Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was mind blowing, he personified lunacy and just sheer brilliance, but overall the movie was excellent.
Untraceable was good, Ive always like Diane Lane, that was a twisted story line that left you on the seed of your pants from start to finish. Wanted was class, end to end fight scenes and Jolie is just Jolie sexy and riveting in one of her better female roles, anyone that like action movies check this one out.
Quantum of Solace has to be one of my all time favorite 007 movies, Daniel Craig has made the entrance as one of if not the best 007's off all time, excellent movie......
Next is my Favorite TV Shows of 2008. (again in no particular order)
- House
- Burn Notice
- CSI Vegas
- CSI Miami
- Shark
- The Unit
- The Shield
- Prison Break
Danny's Oscar Winners:
Best Actor in a Movie: got to be Heath Ledger for his role in Batman
Best Actress in a Movie: Angie Jolie in Wanted
Best Actor in a Drama: Hugh Laurie from House
Best Actress in a Drama: Sarah Wayne Callies aka Dr Sarah Tancredi from Prison Break
All the top four were appalling this weekend, Aston Villa will finish in 4th. Utd cant hit a barn door, Liverpool and Chelsea both choke at home and Arsenal well lets just say they won't win anything this year.
EL Classico:
Normally i am a Madrid fan in this game, but i found myself wanting Barca to win and they did, not a classic game, but Barca did enough for the win.
Casillas is world class by the way.
See ya
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
back in front of the TV
Watched Raising Arizona last week. First time I think I have seen it from start to finish. It’s not nearly as accomplished as the other films but you can see where the Coen Brothers were going. Amazing how William Forsythe can be such an absolute dork in this movie and so intimidating in others.
Last weekend was a big one in the world of football.
--The Big Four all drew. I watched Spurs v United. My instant response to the 0-0 draw is that United will not win anything this year unless they start finishing their chances. Liverpool again showedcthat they probably won’t win the title this year because they can’t step on opponent’s throats. And Chelsea? How can you keep dropping points at home? Arsenal. Done.
--El Classico was not a classic but still entertaining. Real really gave a go of it and had Valdes not come up huge, it could have been a very different outcome. Drenthe scores on that breakaway and then Barca’s nerves kick in and who knows? But what can be said about Casillas? Kept them in it for as long as possible. Messi, although fouled beyond belief, came good at the end. Don’t know if I agree with him switching with E’too in the second half, but in the end 2-0 to blaugrana.
--I was also able to see Juventus v AC Milan in the pouring rain. Great game. Very open which was surprising. De Ceglie came on for Nedved and was fantastic. Served the ball with a surging run for Amauri’s first goal and got Zambrotta sent off due to a bad challenge. Juve is only 6 points back but I just don’t see how they can catch Inter. Ibra is scoring ridiculous goals for fun. The only hope is that they can stay close (4-6 points) until the rematch on April 19. My guess is that Inter will be able to extend it further and a Juve win won’t really dent Inter’s title chase. But all credit to Ranieri and the team for turning it around. Hopefully they get a favorable draw on Friday in the Champions League.
I plan to go to the library this week to pick up the first season Mad Men. Has anyone out there seen it?
Any other recommendations for the holiday break?
Ta ta.
Monday, December 15, 2008
1. sarah palin
2. beijing 2008
3. facebook login
4. tuenti (Spanish Facebook)
5. heath ledger
6. obama
7. nasza klasa (Social networking in Poland)
8. wer kennt wen (Social networking in Germany)
9. euro 2008
10. jonas brothers
Nothing terribly surprising there, except I am amazed that Heath Ledger beat out our next president. I also still fail to see the fascination with the Jonas Brothers.
In a similar vein, here are the top 5 image searches:
1. sarah palin
2. obama
3. twilight
4. miley cyrus
5. joker
I assume Miley made it with all the hubbub concerning her “sensually charged photos”. But how is the Joker in the top 5? Is it possible that a whole generation has no idea who this super criminal is or what he looks like? Bizzare.
In the sports category here are the top 5 searched clubs:
1. manchester united
2. chelsea
3. chivas
4. barcelona
5. arsenal
I was happy to see Man U and Arsenal, but somewhat surprised at Chelsea but no Liverpool. Also, Chivas? Really? And here is the most bizarre list I found – Mascot searches:
1. olympic mascot
2. georgia mascot
3. tennessee mascot
4. ohio state mascot
5. phillies mascot
6. auburn mascot
7. alabama mascot
8. stanford mascot
9. harvard mascot
10. notre dame mascot
I don’t know why these mascots were searched so often. Perhaps they are going into retirement, got fired, or quit and the spot is open to the public. Who knows, but of those listed Auburn, Alabama, Stanford and Harvard seem out of place. The rest are pretty well known but who cares about those 4? Apparently a lot of people – enough to make the list.
So, I end with the question, what thing, picture, concept have you searched for the most this year? I will admit that mine has revolved around celebrities – mostly because I don’t know who the hell these people are. I see something on TV or on the news about them and they are made out to be the biggest thing since Swatch Watches. But I have never heard of them. So, I have to Google them to placate my inquisitive nature. I know, I am just feeding the entertainment monster, but I can’t help my self.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Lost in My Hometown
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Beautiful Game
I watched the game with Austin as our kids ran riot, spilling popcorn.... you know the usual.
To be honest i was disgusted with Sunderland and i echo the same comments that Gary Neville did, Roy Keane would of been horrified at that showing from the Black Cats this weekend, their mentality was "how long will it be before United break us down" not lets go here and give a good account of ourselves and show the new manager what we are capable off"..... incidentally United struggled to break them down and when they did poor finishing was the issue.
Sunderland gave up right from the first whistle which to me and every other passionate soccer fan out there is disgraceful, i understand if you have to come and get to a difficult place for a point, but do it in a fashion that shows your supporting faithful that traveled 3 hours and sat in a blistering cold wind that you care, but they didn't not even close, their back line barely made it off the 18 yard line and Cisse might as well of played right back from the start. Mind blowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, much to my relief Vidic pops up in the 90Th minute to give us the 3 points we deserved to be honest, 3 points v Spurs on Saturday will set us up nicely for the slip up weekend while we are in Japan.
Arsenal v Liverpool
Everton v Chelsea
We will come back with 2 games in hand and hopefully Arsenal win and Everton draw with the scum from the bridge and we will be all set to turn it on over Christmas. Title #19 is coming home again in May!!!!!
Lets talk about Liverpool, well here is my take on them. "useless" the poor win at Blackburn was down to the fact that they were playing a team that is all over the place at the moment and is taking on more water than the falling Titanic. Liverpool are without Torres through injury and Keane..... well lets just say its 19million pounds not well spent. If Gerrard lands an injury Liverpool are done, expect them to start ab sailing down the table over Christmas.
Do you remember Fegie's comments at the start of the season regarding Chelsea, he said and I quote "Chelsea have quite a lot of older players that you wouldn't expect more improvement out of them" WOW was he right, i watched them Ballack and Deco get turned inside out last night against Cluj, but for a lucky goal from Kalou and stunning strike from Didier Drogba would of been embarrassed in a big way.
They just seem to lack that drive of youthfulness in the midfield, in fact i appreciate Frank Lampard that much more after watching Chelsea's midfield last night, but they still pose a threat i will give them that.
Arsenal are the complete opposite with young, vibrant youth, quality internationals and 5 or 6 players of immense experience, but they lack that team experience to challenge this year.
I really like Arsenal and if i was not such a die hard United fan and born and bread Mancunian, i'd watch more love games at the Emirates. They are so quick and there fast possession going forward reminds me so much of Barcelona right now.... well maybe not yet, but in the future.
As Austin said have you seen Barca play recently...... WOW is the word to describe it or OMG.
RM v Barca this weekend and my prediction is 5-0 can you guess which way?
Top Four Premier League at the end of May:
1: Manchester United (too much depth not to win it and we haven't reached 2ND gear yet)
2: Arsenal (they will surprise you all watch this space)
3: Chelsea (too much quality to finish below Liverpool)
4: Aston Villa (yes i have taken a jump off the deep end and gone out on a limb, but i like Martin O'Neil)
Semi Final of the Champions League:
Manchester United v Juventus
Inter Milan v Liverpool
Manchester United v Inter
Adios for now
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
another weekend watching sports
I was able to catch moments of the SEC Championship. Before the game I thought Alabama would get absolutely destroyed, but they hung in there. In the end, Florida is the best team in the nation. Florida v Oklahoma should be an awesome game. Finally some one to stand up to the SEC instead of Ohio State going there and getting annihilated. This year the Buckeyes will get crushed by Texas. The game I’m really interested to see is Boise St. v TCU. That could be a high scoring classic.
In the soccer world, United tried to squander 2 points against Sunderland but scored at the very very end to win. Yes Sunderland parked the bus but United’s finishing was quite poor, as it has been for most of the season. Everton v Aston Villa was one of the craziest finishes this season. Check it out if you haven’t seen it.
And if you haven’t seen Barcelona, check them out IMMEDIATELY. has a great highlight package of the Valencia game from the weekend. It really is amazing.
Danny and I were talking about a possible Champions League last four. The round of 16 will be one of the most competitive ever. Ever round could be very, very tight. I’ve got Barca, Inter, Liverpool and Villareal (depending on their draw), with the Champions League final being Barca v Inter. But a lot can change between now and March.
Last week I saw a movie called Ten. It was a movie about the Ten Commandments, each story having in some way to do with each commandment. Tons of well known actors and written by the guys from the State. My review, not good. Skip it.
That’s it for me. Off to the library to check out Raising Arizona and some more Led Zeppelin.
Friday, December 5, 2008
question: dream concert or event
So what about you? If you could go to one event or concert, what would it be?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Vacation, Thanksgiving, TV & Cristiano Ronaldo
Spending time with my wife and son and family from England was fun, plus a trip to the movies to catch the new Bond movie "Quantum of Solace" that ultimately catapulted Daniel Craig as my favorite 007. The movie was breathtaking.... from insane car chases, in movie stunts that make you understand why one was killed during filming and the female cast was just riveting. A must see, but watch Casino Royal first..... it helps understand the plot of the 2nd Daniel Craig installment.
Thanksgiving was .....ehhhhh. I mean it really is to me a typical Sunday dinner in England, the only bonus is that sport is none stop all day. I watched the Titans maul the Lions and a very impressive Cowboys (Romo) display v the seahawks, its a shame that the 4 games Romo missed is more than likely going to cost the Stars a playoff birth, all in all Thanksgiving was just a good break from work... 4 days to relax and play with my son. Who in fact at the tender age of 3 years old is getting pretty good at table fusball. What a awesome sight it was seeing him score goals and make Rooney and Ronaldo like celebrations.... good times ahead i predict.
TV has gone sour now that The Shield has finished for good, i was very very disappointed at the series finale. I felt for sure that Vic was going to stick it to Claudette on last time, but instead now Vic is stuck behind a desk at ICE.
There has got to be a Movie with some sort of Ronnie v Vic type storyline after the strike team's former leader sent his best friend to the depths of Jail for all there past indiscretions.
I'm glad Shane blew his brains out, but was very surprised and kind of upset with FX that they aired Shane killing his family before putting one in his head, it sends the wrong message i feel.
Prison Break is still going strong, i really like it and those critics out there are starting to get on my nerves, this story line has had more twists and turns than the previous 3 series combined. The whole series has moved away from the Prison and has now become a manhunt for Micheal and Linc as they attempt to retrieve Sila from Agent Self. Keep watching something awesome is about to happen.
CSI Miami - Callie is hot that's about it
CSI Vegas - OK, not bad
CSI NY - Good
House - Absolute Class
The Unit - getting to be absolute class
Burn Notice - Can't wait for the new episodes
24 Redemption - I hope Season 7 is better than the 2hr crap they just aired
And to the final topic: Ballon D'or Winner 2008 goes to Cristiano Ronaldo.
This is an honor to be named with such great past winners like: Zidane, Kaka, Best, Ronaldinho, Figo, Eusebio and so on, but i have to say that not one of them scored 42 goals in a single season and lifted the Premiership and European crown in the same season.
For all his critics Ronaldo has given United and the fans consistency and above all countless times of brilliance that leave you breathless and wanting more.
I agree that early in his career he was subject to more than 1 or 2 dives per game, but with maturity has got a lot better with this side of the game, yet still they hound him about diving. I'm sorry, but i don't understand what games these so called professional pundits are watching some of the time. Ronaldo gets kicked from pillar to post in every game, yes he complains, but he has a point. I realize he is a marked man and everyone wants a piece of him, but for god sake protect the player at least as he is one of the shining stars that make this beautiful game what it is today.
The poor kid is going to be seriously hurt if referees continue to let other pros get away with the manhandling they get away with.
On a final not, congratulations Ronnie i look forward to watching more brilliance and breathtaking performances that give this game the rich praise it deserves, because after all said and done and all the sports out there Football (soccer) is the worlds greatest sport.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
long weekend with lots of media intake
As for Iron Man, good but not great. Decent action sequences, but the movie was a touch unbelievable. Oh well, what are you going to do? Jeff Bridges going cueball was a very interesting look.
I spent a lot of the weekend watching the first season of Burn Notice. I’ll admit, after the pilot episode I was less than impressed. It grew on me as I moved forward. I found the narration both humorous and annoying. I think it’s the guy’s voice. Bruce Campbell is great. I would love to know how this is written. Experience? Research? The result of a Bond marathon? Bullshit? I’ll probably check out season two only to see what happens to the main protagonist. By the way, where has the lady from Cagney and Lacey been hanging out all this time?
Saturday was a big day spent in front of the boob tube. I watched Juve crush Reggina in the snow of Turin. A great set up from Del Piero to Nedved led to Camo’s opening goal and, after going behind two goals at halftime, Reggina just walked around and waited to get on the bus to get out of the freezing cold. A 4-0 victory for the old lady. Still six points behind Inter, and a member of the board came out today and said they won’t sign anyone in January. Their strategy is that the healed injuries at the first of the year will give them the depth they need to fight on several fronts. Problem is that these guys are on the Italian version of the AARP. Sign some youthful creativity, I’m begging you.
Watched the Bedlam game. The defense of Oklahoma St. just can’t stop anyone. They play a good team and give up 40+ points. Their offense just can’t keep up. They must improve the defense a ton if they want to compete with the big boys.
While watching the game, I got sucked into the 48 Hours Mystery. One of these wrongful convictions. They kept saying, stay tuned for the dramatic finale, which of course was just another summary and a new fact or two. It was like an American Idol final episode. Just tell me whether the guy was guilty or not so I can move on with my life. (He was innocent.)
Also, this weekend I saw the Thievery Corporation on Austin City Limits. They are officially my new favorite band. Check out the samples on their website and find their performance of the track “Lebanese Blond” on the Austin City Limits website. It will blow your mind.
Ta Ta for now.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Wretching
The most startling experience of the week came during the Dallas-Seattle football game – a halftime performance by the Jonas Brothers. Now I have seen the Jonas Brothers everywhere. Girls seem to be going crazy for these guys. There is a bunch of swag out there. But I have never heard a song or seen a video by this familial trio. I have just seen public appearances that consisted of silly jabbering with the anchor person while teenage girls screamed in the background.
So imagine my delight when I found out that JB (apparently short for Jonas Brothers) were performing at half time. I know I am a cynical chap, but I was shocked and appalled. These guys sucked live. I mean beyond being terrible. It was like I was transported back to the 90s and was listening to Hanson – except without the talent. Even one of their songs (“Burning Love”) was only a note or two off from being the hook to “Umm Bop.” I am not exaggerating for effect – it was that close. Don’t believe me? I have the two songs below for your comparison.
Well, I can scratch them off my list of CDs that I want for Christmas. Which brings me to my rant. I know I complained about movies the other week. But music sucks too. It seems that anyone can get signed and promoted in such a way as to convince everyone that s/he has talent, when in fact it is all from the hand of the producer. Pandora has been nice in finding new and decent music, but good luck finding quality music in the mainstream.
So, if anyone has some recommendations for some good, new music, I am all ears. I particularly like rap and hip-hop that is similar to old school stuff, rock (both classic and of the grunge era).
"Burning Love" by Jonas Brothers
"Umm Bop" by Hanson (They would not let me embed, so just click on the link)