Monday, December 22, 2008

Some Yuletide Joy

So, I am bored with Facebook. It was nice at first, catching up with some old friends. Seeing the amazing power of the search engine at work. But, my personality is not to really be all that concerned with regular interaction with these people. I just don’t need it or overly desire it. So why else would I use Facebook? I have enjoyed some of the applications – Dungeons and Dragons, Mob Wars, Pro Football Pick ‘Em. But, after retiring 3 characters, and amassing mass amounts of land and experience I just don’t see the lure of it. Will I continue updating my status – probably as I like to be clever. Most likely I will just use it for pictures and videos as the easy interface has taken over my own personal website.

In regard to TV watching, I just finished up the first season of the Unit. It is really good. To be honest, at one time (in early middle school) I wanted to be a special operative. Then I realized that I don’t agree with killing people. So, military service is kind of out the question for me. Anyway, the worst part of the Unit is the whiney, stupid wives. Their storylines are contrived and seem just to be for filler than any real contribution to the overall picture. Season 2 is on tap with Season 3 waiting in the wings.

I have been watching a few sports lately and have been so frustrated by local coverage. It pisses me off. Last week in men’s college basketball Georgetown was playing someone (I forget but a top 10 team) and it went into overtime. Instead of staying with the game they went to the tip off of Kentucky v. Indiana. Now I know I am living in “Wildcat Country” but am I wrong in assuming that basketball fans supersede Wildcat fans? Couldn’t they just finish up the good game and then switch to two college basketball relics? And then, this week my CBS affiliate decided to show the NFL powerhouses of Cincinnati vs. Cleveland instead of those perennial losers Tennessee vs. Pittsburgh (sarcasm thoroughly employed in that last sentence). Apparently, deciding home field advantage is not as important as watching the crappy loser located near your city. It is not just because I have no care about either team. If the Lions or Colts (whom I follow) were involved in an unimportant game and there was another of greater overall significance, then I would say, “Broadcast the latter.”

Enough ranting. If these ramblings seem incoherent, I was up all last night at a lock in with my youth group. If things go well, that could have been my last one ever.

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