Friday, October 24, 2008

Music and Rice

First of all, 5 best songs of all time in no particular order.
1) Come By Me, Harry Connick Jr.
2)Jump In the Line, Harry Belafonte
3) Oh What A Night (December 1963) , Four Seasons
4) Diner, Martin Sexton
5) Que Onda Guero, Beck

Why are these my top 5 songs of all time? I don't need to explain myself to you! But if I did I would say that these songs always make me feel better if I've had a bad day for one reason or another. Other close runners up would be Superstition by Stevie Wonder and All Star by Smashmouth. There are seemingly more and more bands I can listen to and not get annoyed with. I think maybe Ben is rubbing off on me. Ben Folds, Weezer, Chris Rice, Green Day, Cake, Coldplay. I even like Amy Winehouse whom I affectionately nicknamed "Amy Wino". Go to rehab you hag! I'm just kidding, I love her! Crack just helps her keep it real.

Current songs I absolutely despise are
1) I Kissed a Girl, some girl who has never really kissed a girl so stop kidding yourself
2) Anything by JLo, I'm still Jenny from the upper middle class block and private school.
3) Anything by Brittney Spears, from the moment she came on the scene I have despised her.
4) Boybands (on a side note, Coldplay actually started as a british boy band called 'Pectorals', smooth move with the name change boys! Brilliant!)
5) Bob Dylan, that man writes music like a 5 year old with Asbergers and sings like a schizophrenic after a stroke.

In Other News...

Although for most of my life I have avoided rice in all forms except for rice pudding which seemed to be the only form of rice with a flavor and a texture, I have decided that some rices might actually taste like more than cotton. Chipotle rice, for instance, is awesome. Tender, flavorful, perfect on my Burrito Carnitas with fresh salsa and guacamole. I've also become a fan of Zatarans. I like that I can add lots of different things to their rice to make a real meal. I like the black beans and rice mix. I add sausage, red peppers, onions, and corn. It's fabulous. And lastly, I'm somewhat convinced that sushi is addictive. The rice adds a little sweetness and texture that's fabulous against the wasabi which is fabulous breathing it out of my nose.
I think my major issues with rice came from the fact that maybe most people don't actually know how to properly prepare rice. So then it sucks. I think there are probably a lot of foods like that.

Other things I'd like to try in Folsom would be House of Kabab and Filafle King. Ethnic AND greasy spoon all rolled into one! Fabulous!

1 comment:

Sam said...

I heard "Oh what a night" the other day and immediately felt better. It is just a quality song. If I could ever write a song of that caliber with that sort of instrumentation I will feel like I have accomplished something.