Friday, October 31, 2008

of Dreams and Drooling Dogs and Fun Size Snickers Bars

I have weird dreams, almost all the time. This is pretty normal for me. Lately, 6am finds my alarm going off right in the middle of a dream cycle. It makes waking up pretty difficult.

A couple weeks ago I had a dream that I was playing midwife to my friend Sarah who was giving birth to twins. I was also watching her 2 year old son Troy. Except that in real life Troy is my friend Cory's son where Sarah's son is named Seth.

Anyway, last night I had my first nightmare in a long time. Like an adult nightmare, not x-rated, but adult. When I was a kid my nightmares were about aliens and ghosts and possessed dolls and such (my parents let me watch Poltergeist way too young). This dream was one of those things that are extra scarey because it could actually happen. Obviously it's a very slim chance, but a chance none the less.

My dream was that Ben got on a game show in LA and was down there for the weekend filming. I was excited and talking about it to everyone and getting impatient waiting for Ben to call and tell me how he did. When he did call I was hoping to hear that he had won lots of money. Instead it was Ben, but Ben mumbling and sounding like he was in pain.
He said, "I hurt". He was trying to tell me something but mumbling and half groaning in pain. He sounded confused and upset. He's telling me something about trying to go somewhere and do something and I'm trying to talk to him and get him to tell me what's going on and then he said "he had a gun...he had a gun...I hurt" and then there's nothing. The line doesn't go dead, he just stops talking.

What really woke me up at that point I believe was the actual fear of living through that moment, even if it was just a dream. I can't imagine being more helpless than being on the phone with your husband hundreds of miles away who may or may not be dying in a gutter somewhere and you have no idea what exactly is going on. Ben doesn't always understand why I'm "hogging the bed", sometimes it's a reason to touch him and make sure he's still alive.


Speaking of drooling dogs? Who's talking about drooling dogs? I AM!
Jodee got taken to the vet today for what we thought was a teeth cleaning and tooth extraction, 2 teeth to be precise. When I got off work I talked to the vet and was told some shocking news. He said that every single tooth had periodontal disease and they ended up extracting, not two, but 28 teeth! That's over half! My stomach dropped!

I ended up going in later and having a 20 minute talk with him about how it got this bad, she had a cleaning less than two years ago and they gave her a clean bill of health! He said technicians usually clean and unless they alert the doctor to some need, the doctor doesn't actually check them. It could also be that her immune system is not working as well as she gets older and can't fight off bacteria. Thus she is now on antibiotics to hopefully fight off disease in the rest of her teeth and see if we can save some of them. He also said her teeth were incredibly easy to extract as there was hardly any root left holding them in place. So hopefully we can stop this thing before it claims any more of her teeth, but in the end they say it's better for her to have no teeth (which won't stop her from eating) so that disease does not get into her blood system.

When I got her home she was still a little doped up but apparently very hungry, she wasn't allowed to eat before the proceedure that morning and by 3 she still hadn't eaten. So she was antsy and prancing around because she was hungry, but prancing like a drunken sailor since she was still doped up. It's was pretty funny. I really need a video camera.

So currently the dog is on what the vet tech calls "doggie vicodin". Which she seems to be enjoying since at 6pm she was wimpering a little and now she is laying next to me and not blinking, she's been like that for about an hour now....she's alive.....yeah, her eyebrows are still moving so she's alive, she's just extra mellow. She's also been licking and smacking her mouth alot, trying to get used to the new feeling in her mouth although thankfully the vet kept her until he felt she had stopped most of the drooling.

Poor little Jodee, say good bye to your tasty tasty carrots. :(


Halloween in California? I don't think it exists!
We saw no kids, no costumes, and have a full bowl of candy sitting on the end table. I've been really doing well watching what I eat. I saw myself eat 3 mini snickers so far. Dang you fun size! How can I resist you!

1 comment:

Commish said...

Poor Jodee... you should give her some gummy bears now, she'll smack her lips all day on those things.

Fun size... that's the same term they applied to my Saturn coupe when I bought it.