That is why I am phoning it in.
Here is my half-assed post. It's what I write when I finally realize how unimportant this really is to me. It's what I do when I realize that I dread writing this blog when it seems like I have nothing to write about.
I phone it in when I think that it doesn't really matter to those receiving it; or when I think I have better things to do. I phone it in when my favorite TV show is on or when the playoffs are on.
I phone it in when I have homework and when Halo 3 is calling. I phone it in because, to me, phoning it in is better than just skipping. I don't know how it is better, it just is.
I phone it in because writing requires effort, which I am running low on. I like writing. I love writing. Sometimes the stress of HAVING to write cramps creativity. However, if I didn't HAVE to write, then I probably wouldn't.
The question is, if I didn't write, would it matter to anyone but me?

Getting back to the "Cultural Taproom": I made BLACK AND TANS tonight. I had to look it up on Wikipedia, but I still had to make it. Apparently I was making it incorrectly.
Here's what you do: You need a decent ale glass (1 pt), preferably one slightly rounded at the top. You pour half the glass slowly and smoothly with Bass premium lager, (or Harp if you want a true Irish Black & Tan).
Then, you pour Guinness over a spoon (round-side up) into the glass very slowly, so that it cascades over the edge of the spoon like a fountain. There are actually Black & Tan specific spoons you can purchase, but it seems like it would be a waste of money unless somehow the spoon made for better separation of the two beers.
This is a great way to introduce yourself to Guinness if you are not into it yet, because it lightens it up a bit and reduces some of the bitterness of stout beers.
As I am phoning this in, I am enjoying my second Black & Tan. Talk To You Later. Buh Bye!
See, I still actually enjoy the posts that you Phone In, almost as much as the ones that you put a great deal of thought and tears into.
But you've got me so paranoid about writing a sub-par post that I'm afraid to write anything that's just "off the top of my head". I shouldn't be. Because I like writing them, and I think other people might like reading them. Hell, it works for Austin every single Tuesday!
You shouldn't be paranoid of my criticism. You should just expect it whether it's good or not. I know what your potential is and will always encourage you to go there. Do everything as unto the the Lord (yada yada) . And that goes for anyone else who wants to phone it in (myself included).
ummm... black and tan. i think i'll make one per your instructions this weekend.
i thought the point of blogs was freedom. just start writing, stream of consciousness, that sort of thing. and don't worry about "sub-par" posts. at least your posting, unlike DAN!!!!!
i really enjoy the blog and i'm sure we'll find more contributors to make it better.
yeah. I know. Blogging is freedom, etc. I just have been feeling down on myself for not putting in any effort. My blogs are better when prepared.
Anyway. Has anyone heard from Aleks? It looks like we only got Austin, Tom, Crystal, Serge and Me. I liked Aleks kooky posts.
Do you know anyone else who'd be interested? Shannon? Sherman? Vitz? Mark? LOwman?
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