Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You Tube or Porn

Lewis Black has a new TV Show, "Root of All Evil" where he presides over a debate between two comedians who are on every other failed show on Comedy Central. They take two cultural phenomena and debate which one is more evil. The particular episode I watched was mildly entertaining because it pitted You Tube vs. porn immediately following the South Park episode featuring "YooToob".

The debate was interesting but you could tell there was an agenda. The arguments against youtube were presented rather well and the arguments against porn were less than half-hearted and tongue-in-cheek.

Eventually YouTube lost and was awarded as more evil than porn. I guess I could say that there are elements of YouTube that are more evil than porn, but not most of it.

This display of drunken "little people" is one of the most hilarious and disturbing things I've ever seen.

But for the most part, at least You Tube is clean, even if it lends itself to casual observation of awful moments in people's lives.

But I have to find this commercial to send my brother. The Comcast digital voice commercial featuring an awkward conversation with a brother. It is too funny and appropriate, so if you could find it send it to me.

In my searches I found this one that will tickle you comic book fans. Enjoy.

1 comment:

BigD said...

RE: Drunken Little People-

oh emm gee double-ewe tee eff???