Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10 Things I Hate About Each Candidate

10. He's incredibly old
9. Being incredibly old makes him incredibly creepy
8. He is a terribly orator
7. He brags too much about sitting in prison
6. He is out of touch with the American Public
5. His policies on energy are his only platform for improving the economy
4. He chose Palin purely for eye candy
3. He uses the word MAVERICK too much
2. He is older than MAVERICK James Garner (not really, but close)
1. He is a typical republican with a slightly more liberal stance on abortion and stem cell research. Other than that he's a pretty typical republican.

10. He thinks that taxing businesses won't affect the middle class.
9. He thinks taxing businesses won't cause them to leave for cheaper labor overseas
8. He wants to insure 47 million people with public funds
7. He thinks if those people have insurance that private medical facilities prices won't go up, even though they already assume a loss of 3% of bad debt from non-insured patients (only 3%. think about it. 47 million uninsured people cause 3% of unpaid medical claims. now instead of hospitals eating that bill (which costs them nothing to do so because they just raise their prices elsewhere and cover many of their expenses through charitable gifts GIVEN TO THEM AS TAX-WRITE-OFFS). Do your neighborhood hospitals look like that 3% is killing their finances? NO? now the businesses will eat that cost at the full value of the dollar. The exemption that the wealthy got for donating will diminish (because it is no longer needed) so they will have to find other charities to donate to. That adds an instant 3% of profit for hospitals and a big loss for businesses). To put it into terms easier to understand. Its like this. Think of all the comics that Dan Harris has read but hasn't paid for at Clem's. If the government comes in and says it's going to now pay for the comics he reads but doesn't pay for the profits at clems goes up. But now dan still isn't paying for his comics. I am. Clems gets richer. Dan gets to read like its a library. Problem not solved. I hate it. I hate his health plan. the problem with health care is not the lack of insurance. It IS INSURANCE itself.
6. He's smug. He changes his demeanor to whichever audience he is selling himself to.
5. He's the whitest possible black person imaginable. He was raised by a white mother and had no contact with his black dad. He really isn't a black candidate. It just exploits the racist culture we live in that says if he's got ANY black in him, he's black. His genetics make him more white than black but we still don't claim him. I heard the other day that he's like 9th cousins with Brad Pitt twice removed.
4. He isn't a leader. He is a speaker. He's a mouthpiece more than a leader. The argument could be made that most presidents are, but I don't subscribe to the tenet that says it MUST BE SO.
3. His IQ is lower than mine. I have no way of verifying that statement other than I saw an ad on FACEBOOK for an I.Q. test that advertised his IQ as being 127 and Bush's being 126. I am sitting pretty at 141. Eat that Obama!
2. He is a lawyer, just like Clinton. So is his wife, just like Clinton. I hate lawyers. They are trained liars. They make careers out of manipulation. Greasy lot, all of them. They will say ANYTHING to get into power, just like the Clintons, and the Kilpatricks.
1. He quoted Paul in his acceptance speech and twisted it so far out of context that it made no sense. His only reason for doing so would be to appeal to people in the middle who have religious values who might be fooled into thinking him to be a spiritual person. Like when Kid Rock and Kanye West do it in his songs. The same people who find Kid Rock and Kanye West to be spiritual will accept Obama's speech as a spiritual theme. That's what salesmen do. Not managers.


Sam said...

Good synopsis. I went from supporting both candidates to supporting neither and withholding my vote. Thank you for restoring my faith in the process. There for a second I wasn't choosing the lesser of 2 evils.

Brandon Caroland said...

Glad I could restore your faith in apathy. Together there's a lot of good you and I could let go undone. Looking forward to not doing much with you in future.