Tuesday, September 9, 2008

movies, movies, movies and procrastination

So I’ll start with my poll from last week. Surely our readers are having a go at me. Journey to the Center of the Earth cannot be the favorite movie of summer 2008. Seriously. Someone explain to me why I should see it.

Speaking of movies, I heard of a movie called Hamlet 2. My first thought was a National Lampoon movie or one of the worst ideas ever. Then I saw a preview and I’m at least a little interested. Hopefully it’s not like the Shitty Beatles of Wayne’s World fame.

Tiny: Wayne. How you doin'?

Wayne Campbell: Hey, Tiny, who's playing today?

Tiny: Jolly Green Giants and the Shitty Beetles.

Wayne Campbell: Shitty Beetles? Are they any good?

Tiny: They suck.

Wayne Campbell: Then it's not just a clever name.

Watch the preview and judge for yourself.

I finished Rome, Season 1. It did have some highlights but I guess I was expecting more. The actor playing Caesar was quite good. He had this quiet control, while oozing arrogance. The Vorenius and Pullo characters got too much play. I would have rather focused on the major players in the events of that era, but what are you going to do. The one character that really bothered me was Brutus. Stop crying you pansy. Every scene was him fighting back tears. And he’s going to bring down the Republic? Maybe not. Caesar’s assassination was a punch in the mouth even though you knew it was coming. All in all, OK but I would have rather seen something more historically accurate. Oh one more thing, I loved the actor playing Marc Antony. Talk about a backstabbing, power hungry, a-hole. Spot on.

Finally, I found this chart through on a digg.com article. My work day summarized in a handy dandy chart. Go to link so that you can enlarge the pic.


1 comment:

Wally said...

Dang. I was hoping to be the first one to post the chart. Too much procrastination.