Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Batman, BSG and RSS feeds

Yesterday I saw another trailer for The Dark Knight, and it looked awesome. One concern I have is that they have Two-Face and the Joker in the same film. Why do they do this? These are two big guns and something has to give if they are in the same film. Seems like they could do more with the story and the interaction between Batman and the character if they just focused on one at time. Imagine the Killing Joke oneshot with another big villain running around. The impact of an amazing one on one confrontation is lost. But what do I know?

I obviously don’t know anything about BSG. I finished the third season, and I have to say I have no idea what’s going on. I am pretty sure they are not going to be able to resolve the show to my satisfaction in the fourth and last season. I am trying to put my thoughts together based on the theology of the show. Hopefully I can do that later this week.

Listened to a podcast called Hardcore History. I tried the BBC History Magazine and didn’t even make through the intro. Anyway, the host has some really interesting ideas that are lost and diffused and muddled by his presentation. He’s like a bad preacher or youth convention speaker. Lots of passion in trying to get his message across but he is not as sharp as a quality public speaker that you might enjoy, so you end up thinking, yeah, but. He goes in circles and repeats himself and says “things” a lot. I say things a lot when I can’t come up with the exact word, but I’m not speaker and I don’t have a podcast. It eats away at his credibility when he can’t articulate the concepts he his trying to convey to either history buffs or laymen like me. When he makes comments like “. . . the most powerful empire in the history of powerful empires . . .”, c’mon. I’ll probably give it one more try, but I may be looking for another history podcast.

Finally, I’m not becoming a “techie”, but I am trying to broaden my horizons and abilities. Last week, I explored the world of RSS feeds. I set up feeds from my favorite blog (this one) and several soccer blogs to see how it would work. It’s awesome. Instead of visiting a bunch of sites, the information is fed to me, which is exactly what I want. The feed goes bold, I highlight, see the headline, bam, I’m informed.

My goal is to have a series of RSS feeds on the left of my browser, with only my faceboook and Pandora pages open as tabs. I want information, but I want to minimize the effort needed to get it. I am also trying to synch my hotmail (personal) and outlook (work) email accounts. The first try didn’t go so well. Any thoughts??


Wally said...

ditch hotmail and move to gmail. It is pop3 friendly with outlook.

Brandon Caroland said...

yah, dude. hotmail blows

Brandon Caroland said...

I also wanted you to check out my Sigur Ros radio station on my facebook pandora. Its a twist on ambient music that is more instrumental. It's not all slow drum loops and chiming bells. It's weird but utterly relaxing. The guys in Sigur Ros are from Iceland and they don't sing a lyric in English, but somehow the vocals hit a emotional place that makes you feel like you understand what they are singing about.