Monday, June 9, 2008

Get Silly

If you don’t know me well, you might not know that I like rap, especially hip-hop. The artistry of the genre can be quite good. Throw in a song that is actually about something of consequence, and I am thoroughly entertained. I think especially of Eminem, 2-Pac, the Fugees, Kanye West, etc. They all have a flow that combines with great beats and hooks to produce some fine music (at least in my estimation).

However, if you have listened to a rap radio station or watched MTV in the last few years, the quality has gone down drastically. The charts are full of talentless wonders who repeat the same wretched catch phrase over and over again, usually explicitly describing sexual acts or using euphemisms. In addition, their songs are full of annoying sounds and chincy loops that resemble noises I hear in my children’s toys. In other words, they suck. They say nothing. They have no value. They just contribute to the stereotypes about rap.

But it seems that these songs are being produced to fill an actual desire on the part of the paying public. That fact is more disturbing. I hear teenage girls singing along, word for word, with these misogynistic lyrics set to awful beats. I hear cars driving up and down the street, booming with lame sounds and noises blaring from their systems. Can our society, especially our youth be so stupid? So banal?

Don’t believe me? See if you can actually sit through the entire video below, and then explain to me what value lies within this song to make it popular. It’s called, “Get Silly”. For me, the whole industry has gotten silly long ago.


Bristol Crowne said...

I had to order "urban fiction" for my library for almost 2 years. I'll give you the summary of every book in an entire genre in8 words.
"drugs, SEX, pimps, SEX, guns, SEX, hos, SEX."
Now that's silly.

Commish said...

Where can I get my very own "Get Silly" T-Shirt? I want to be on board with this amazing new catch-phrase that is sure to catch fire and mark its own place in the hip-hop lexicon.

That's the point of this song, right?

shannoncaroland said...

I liked it. It was fun. I think that was what they were trying to accomplish (so they could make lots of money, which is point). Is ther value in fun? Not much, but a little now and then.