Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Hulk and No Country For Old Men

I have to say that before I review these movies, I didn't believe the hype. I was skeptical to say the least.

When a movie gets such great reviews from so many sources, I am usually hesitant to see it. That is because I generally believe what is being said about it, and I hate to be disappointed. Let me discover how good a movie is. I don't usually want to find out from others, because if they think it's great and it sucks, I get really mad (e. g. the Phantom Menace--I fell asleep).

Let me start with my review of the Hulk. Let me preface what I thought about this movie with what I thought about Ang Lee's version: He wet the bed. He had the technology, but he really made a crappy movie.

This reboot starring Ed Norton was more than good. It was exciting! It left you wanting more. Ang Lee made me want to shut off the television. Has anyone here seen Brokeback Mountain? Pride and Prejudice? What? Yeah. That was Ang Lee too.

The new Hulk movie reminded me more of the comic book. The Hulk was the HULK! He was terrifying. He was humorous. Bruce Banner was believable. Nothing against Eric Bana. I think he's a great actor, but he was cast in a bad roll for him. Ed Norton is a believable scientist. Liv Tyler was great.

What I love about Marvel getting their own movie production company is that they can tie the movies together the way that the comics do. If you haven't seen the movie then that's all I'll say about that. But, if you have seen it, then how it gets tied together at the end didn't just excite me, but it made me yearn for an Avengers movie? Am I wrong for admitting that? Great Movie. Sidenote: My only complaint is that in the TV ads for the movie, they say it is "easily as good as Iron Man". That is a backhanded compliment. The movie stands on its own. It doesn't need Iron Man to prop it up.

No Country For Old Men. Wow. When the game got out of hand between the Lakers and the Celtics I opened up the HD movies menu On Demand and purchased this gem. I was so worried about this movie that I have put it off for a good while. I was worried because again, people liked it before I did. Javier Bardem won an Oscar. Who? I don't care. This man's performance in this movie was startling. He was easily the most engaging "Bad Guy" in a movie since Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction. It was one of those performances you never forget. I was afraid of this guy. He was scary.

Tommy Lee Jones was great as an aging Sheriff who had been outpaced by society and crime. He was disappointed that God never came down into his life to do something miraculous to make him satisfied with his life. I thought that was really interesting. What did you think?

1 comment:

mindbender said...

Dude, for real about Javier Bardem. Anton Chigurh was one messed up hombre.