So that and the fact that we found a great deal and other circumstances found us with another vehicle...
Yep, a JAG! Surprisingly gas friendly* and at only 14 thousand** it was in our price range. Let's just say I'm loving it, cruising around with the wind in my face, wearing my overly large gem encrusted celebrity shades, it's great!
Of course it's not as sporty as some, I didn't really want sporty, that's just not me. I'm more of a cruising type person than a racing type. When people see me I want them to think, "those are great wheels" not "Let's Race!" I want them to think, there's a girl who's enjoying life, not life in the fast lane per se, just life.
And in the end, it gets me where I want to go***.
So without further ado, here she is...

Of course, mine doesn't have the fancy pink basket on front but it's a jag nonetheless...don't believe me? Here's a closeup...

Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!
However I'm slowly finding all of the downsides to the bicycle sport in California.
1) It's very hilly, way more hilly than Michigan and Illinois, this makes bicycling really really easy and, in turn, really really hard.
2) It's hot. Hot in California means that your sweat is drying faster because there is no humidity. The evaporating sweat makes you think that it's cooler than it really is. And because your sweat is drying faster, you don't realize how much you're actually sweating. This means you're working harder than you should without realizing it until you almost pass out in front of the downtown Curiosity Shop while anonymous concerned citizens offer you water. And then you get home and the air conditioning hits you and you finally realize that your clothes are completely SOAKED in sweat and you've probably never sweated so much in your life because if you did that in the mid-west you'd be covered in mosquitoes.
So yeah, I think the Jag is going to work out for me as long as I take the time to check the weather before heading out, and also drinking about a gallon of water (aka: pre-sweat). Then cover myself in sunblock (waterproof of course), then put on my youth size helmet (adult was too big), and my cool new bike shorts, and check my cell phone for full batteries, and chapstick in my pocket, and make sure I have my water bottle with me and a spare in the basket, and make sure that I also include the bike lock in case I need to stop for more water, and of course keys for the bike lock, and the bike light in case it gets dark while I'm out, and I should really look into a carrier for above the back wheel so I can attach a basket and carry the dog around...
*runs on the cottage cheese in my butt
***within 5 miles of home
as always, very clever.
make sure you get on of those gel seats.
tell ben i got my bike tuned up and it's good as new. and sitting in my garage.
Haha! You have a small head.
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